Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the “Nature with Kevin” Website. My name is Kevin and I’m a wildlife and nature photographer.

My road to wildlife photography was a gradual process. I always felt the most comfortable in nature. I was particularly drawn to the ocean. As far as I can remember, I spent most summers snorkeling or scuba diving, and just like that a passion was born. I loved exploring the different dive spots around the world looking for all kinds of animals and watch them do their thing. I wanted to capture those beautiful encounters and started to take photos and videos with a GoPro.

My fascination for wildlife wasn’t limited to the underwater world. On my travels I soon realized that I wanted to capture my wildlife encounters on land as well. At the time, equipped with only my phone camera, I quickly wanted to get more reach to get better photos. I would say this was the true beginning of my wildlife photography.

I purchased my first system camera, an Olympus OMD E-M5 MkIII with an Olympus M.Zuiko 12-200mm Lens, adding a 100-400mm Lens and a 60mm Macro Lens later on. I really like this system as it is rather light and compact, which is perfectly suited for long hikes or when travelling.

As I got into the more technical aspects of photography on land, I wanted to transfer those skills to the underwater world as well. As underwater photography requires even more (rather expensive) hardware like waterproof housing, lens ports and lights, I chose to start out a bit smaller. This is why I opted for a compact camera like the Canon G7X MkIII with a Fantasea housing and a Inon Z330 Type2 Flash for my underwater photography.


I feel like modern society has lost touch to nature. Through my work I wish to reconnect people with nature and motivate them to protect our natural world.